Rent & Electricity

Rent index:
The rent index for the city of Heilbronn gives you an overview of the general local rental prices in Heilbronn. The rent index can be downloaded for free online. The rent index brochure is available for a fee from the administrative offices.

Apartment rental:
Rent is made up of the basic rental price and the utilities. The basic rent excluding utilities is for the use of the apartment, which is usually calculated by multiplying the amount of living space by the price per square meter. Utilities include all costs for water, heating, sewage and building management costs. Utility costs are usually settled once a year based on consumption.

Keep in mind that electricity is not always included in the utility bill. In this case, you have to contact the respective electricity provider when you move in and pay for electricity in addition to your rent and utility bill. The local electricity provider in Heilbronn is ZEAG Energie AG. But you can also choose a different provider online (search for “Stromanbieter” in a search engine).