Legal guardianship office
Mental illnesses, but also physical or psychological disabilities, can fully or partially inhibit people from being able to take care of their own private affairs. People who are affected often need someone who can help them with their legal matters. Such assistance is provided only if there are no other recourses available. If the affected person already has a confidant who has been or is eligible to be granted power of attorney this assistance can be avoided. To be able to grant power of attorney you have to be deemed a legal person with legal capacity in the legal sense at the time of granting the power of attorney. Application forms to request legal assistance are available at the legal guardianship office. Main responsibilities of the legal guardianship office Heilbronn
- General information on healthcare proxies, the mental health act and advance healthcare directives
- General information and consultation on queries concerning guardianship law
- Information for dependents who are or want to become a legal guardian
- Notarized signatures of healthcare proxies and advance healthcare directives (for a fee of 10 EUR per copy)
- Provision of assistance to the mental health court in determining the necessity and scope of a legal guardianship; recommending a suitable guardian; and finding and supporting guardians
- Guardianship
If you have any further questions please contact the legal guardianship office Heilbronn.V