Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a residence title designed to facilitate and promote the immigration of highly qualified third-country nationals to Germany. The EU Blue Card is for people traveling to Germany directly from a non-EU-member state, or people who already reside in Germany with a different residence title, or already have an EU Blue Card from another EU-member state. You can obtain an EU Blue Card if you meet the following requirements: 

  • Completed post-secondary studies (if the degree was obtained from an institute outside of Germany, it must be either recognized or comparable with a degree from a Germany university or college) 
  • Employment contract or binding job offer, and 
  • An annual minimum gross salary (the current annual minimum gross salary can be found at

For professions in need in Germany such as engineers, mathematicians or physicians, a lower annual minimum gross salary applies. In such a case, the EU Blue Card can be issued only with the approval of the Germany employment office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Exceptions are made if the academic credentials were obtained in Germany.

Further informations: