Places to interact with people
Heilbronn offers a variety of interesting places to meet people, like the “Youth and Family Center” (Jugend- und Familienzentren), the “Multi-generation House” (Mehrgenerationenhaus) and “Family House” (das Haus der Familie). These community centers offer numerous courses, services and support in different social circumstances.If you want to meet and get to know other people who share your cultural background, or people from different cultures in your free time, you can participate in the “intercultural gardens” (Interkulturellen Gärten), attend cultural events, become a volunteer in different social projects, or get involved in immigration/sports organizations or religious communities.
Project Coming Together – Intercultural Gardens
Heilbronn offers a number of different intercultural gardens. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or ethnic background, to come and get involved in groups to tend to gardens, meet other people and have fun. For further information, contact the advisory council for participation and integration.
Further informations: